Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Garden Blog Bloom Day - Sept.09

Hmmm... Bloom Day... I can do that.

This is a kind of new Plumeria to the area. The first Bridal Bouquet(Plumeria pudica) I recall seeing was planted about 5 or 6 years ago.
Variety names of Bougainvilla are suspect  but if I'm correct this is "Lady Mary Baring".
This single pink hibiscus is one of the old standards around the islands.
Beach Sunflower (Helianthus debilis) is considered a native to the Keys but honestly I have only found it in cultivated areas. Good salt tolerant ground cover.
Golden Thyrallis(Galphimia glauca) is a great shrub but a bit brittle. This 4'-6' plant is suprisingly Key Deer resisant but the iguanas tend to break the brittle branches.
Finally my Adenium obesum plants are a favorite. No critters mess with these guys. Perfect.


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Living in paradize, you can have a bloom day every day!Bright and cheerful.

Joe said...

I am glad that you are enjoying blogging!

I have blogger's block!

Muhammad khabbab said...

nice blooms. I have never seen this plumeria algthough we grow lots of their varieties. Adenium obseum, desert rose is also grown a lot here. i liked your blog. keep posting.

Carol said...

Such lovely exotic flowers and foliage! Even the blue of the sky is other worldly... Great photos!

Amy said...

Beautiful photos! What a great place to live. I love all the big blooms and the beach daisy!

Pam/Digging said...

Your thryallis looks great, no thanks to the iguanas, it sounds like. ;-) I don't have to worry about those here in Austin, but it does get killed back by hard freezes when we get them. I'm surprised bulbine isn't grown all over Florida like it is here. It's super tough, evergreen in mild climates, nearly ever-blooming, loves heat and sun, and can take drought like a trouper but doesn't mind irrigation or rain if it's well drained.

Unknown said...

I like all the blooms but those plumerias are spectacular! Colourful adeniums too. We have similar blooms. No wonder when I need to check out details online, Floridata is a very good option!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Loved it!

Sue Swift said...

Lovely photos to see on what (here) is a day that says clearly that autumn is on its way ... :(